It is the mission of Make Your Mark to remember Alecia-- to continue her dream, and her kindness by supporting youth, raising awareness, and creating smiles.


The BEAST, otherwise known as childhood cancer, robbed
my daughter of her dreams, her potential on earth, and her life.
It stole peace and happiness from her parents, and other
loved ones. Alecia had so much still to do and accomplish.

"But, I don't want to die mom! I still have things to do.
I want to get my driver's license and go to college," said
my sad, disappointed, tired daughter when we discussed the
possibility that her cancer might be back.

We all would have benefited from Alecia's accomplishments.
She always thought of others before herself-
a beautiful, inspiring, amazing young lady
who brought so much good to this world,
and would have done GREAT things with her
potential and her life....
had it not been for cancer.

You might hear in the news and other media that we are
"winning the war" on cancer. I am here to tell you--
we are not!

And if Alecia were still here she would tell you the same thing! She would tell you what cancer did to her, the hell that she quietly and gracefully endured at the promise of getting better and achieving some normalcy again. It's not a pretty story. She just wanted to be a normal kid! She wanted to be a teenager!! (Actually, she probably wouldn't tell you because she was never one to complain. But I will for the rest of my life, scream and rant about the injustice of it all! Hope that's ok with you 'Lecia.)

The statistics don't' tell the real story. Childhood cancer needs more attention. You rarely hear anything about it and yet it is the number one disease killer in children. Why?

The way childhood cancer is sometimes presented is sugarcoated and watered down. Cancer is not fun or silly. It is a horrible, devastating, evil, mean, disease! And unfortunately for our children the treatment options are almost as harsh as the disease itself (Radiation, Chemotherapy, Bone Marrow Transplants).

"Cure" rates have improved. Great. But children are still suffering and dieing!! For every step forward we take, we are pushed back several more in the opposite direction because we do not know what causes cancer. The number of people diagnosed is on the rise. WHY?!?!

I am VERY ANGRY at cancer and the fact that we still don't have a cure or a cause. I am confused and bewildered as to what caused this devastating disease to take over my daughter's body. More than anything else though, I am sad, lost and broken.

It is a shame that we live in a society, where there is a vicious killer of children running loose, and no one wants to talk about it. Below are some things you might not know about childhood cancer. Please save other children and families from the pain and devastation cancer brings, help fight back. Let's find and kill the beast!!

A couple passionate letters I have written:



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